For The Modern Art Cookbook (Reaktion Books, 2013)
- p.8, 1st paragraph, line 5 should start "apparent, deepens, and then disappears."
- p. 11, 3rd paragraph, last sentence middle: "on herring, as prepared by the poet Milocz, Robert Penn Warren on figs, and Marilyn Hacker on..."
For Pierre Reverdy (New York Review Books, 2013)
The following erroneous statement appears in the preface (p. xiv): "His lifelong affection for Chanel (despite her collaborationist activities during WWII) would nonetheless be memorialized by the epitaph he wrote for her tomb—which ends, "Before heading toward / The dark road's end / If condemned / If pardoned / Know you are loved."
This formulation was based on the concluding sentence of the epilogue in Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War by Hal Vaughan (Knopf, 2012, p. 222): "Before he died at seventy in 1960...Reverdy blessed Chanel in poetry. This determined and dedicated resistance fighter...willed Chanel a final epitaph." His footnote to this sentence on p. 249 reads: "Reverdy poem reprinted in Edmonde Charles-Roux, L'Irrégulière."
However, in fact, as Edmonde Charles-Roux clearly says in L'Irrégulière ou mon itinéraire Chanel (Paris: Editions Grasset, & Fasquelle, 1974, pp. 583-584), the text quoted was simply inscribed in the edition of his collection of poems, Main d'oeuvre, given to Chanel in 1949 by Reverdy, and was in no sense an epitaph. In all future printings of this book, the entire sentence will be excised. M.A.C., September 9, 2013
For Provençal Cooking: Savoring the Simple Life in France( Pegasus Books, 2008)
- Back cover, top line: Mary
- Inside back flap: Lavender Field Correct captions:
- Color insert p. 7 bottom: Venasque seen from afar
- Black and white insert, p. 2 Pablo Picasso and René Char, 1965, at the time of Provence Point Omega
- p. 5 Parking place in front of the cabanon
- p. 21 Frédéric Mistral
- p. 39 4 ll. From bot: soupe de
- p. 40 bottom rappelle le maquis (cut out the du!)
- p. 47 ll. 8 intrepid riders who... ll. 10-11 "Simpson the cyclist"... where that British cyclist fell 8 ll. From bot celebrate the riders
- p. 59 à Bilbao
- p. 60 Britannia rule
- p. 62 5 ll. From bot Coeur-de-Pigeon
- p. 92 2nd parag, l. 8. ..right there. When my former husband and I went our separate ways, I married Boyce Bennett, a doctor.
- p. 138 6 ll. From bot (aneth)
- p. 145 4 ll. From bot: crème
- p. 148 l. 6 doux-feu (and put the description of this utensil with its first mention)
- p. 149 for Break of Day, Naissance du jour
- p.158 crème fraîche
- p. 182 7 ll. From bot (Pastis Henri Bardouin, from Sisteron, near Manosque...)
- p. 189 3 ll. From bot . remarkably
- p. 196 l. 1 Ann
- p. 206 l 9 dessert.
- p. 214 Cerises à l'eau-de-vie
- p. 215 (first line, before the custard part!) Melt 1/3 to ½ cup sugar in the special pan for crème caramel or ladyfingers, if you have one, otherwise, use a plain old skillet to melt the sugar and pour it into the bowl before the custard.
Scandalous tip: in France, you can get a great liquid caramel (see p. 225.) - p. 221. certainly is mine.
- p. 223 l. 2 I go by the following measure, passed on to me: slow oven (French gas ¼ - 2, Centigrade 110-150, Fahrenheit 225-300); moderate (3-4; C. 160-180, F. 325-350); hot (5-7, C. 190-220, F. 375-425), never use my...
- p. 231 l. 2 crème fraîche
- p. 232 last parag. Ricard
- p. 236 We are tasting at the Armouriers vineyard, near Gigondas.
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